How to Find the Lighthouse
From Rogers City, Michigan take US-23 north approximately 7 miles. The lighthouse is located in Presque Isle County's Lighthouse Park. DO NOT TURN at 40 Mile Point Ave. A brown "Lighthouse 1/2 mile" sign is located just beyond 40 Mile Point Ave. As you approach the park, you will see a large, brown Lighthouse Park sign on the right side of the road. The park entrance is approximately 100 yards north of this sign, on the right side of the road. The street address is 7323 US 23 North, Rogers City, MI 49779.
From Mackinaw City, take US-23 south from the intersection of I-75 & US-23, drive south approximately 50 miles. You will see a large, brown Lighthouse Park sign on the right side of the road. The park entrance is approximately 100 yards south of this sign, on the left side of the road.
The park entrance is marked with painted renderings of the lighthouse. As you enter the park, tune your car radio to 107.3 FM to hear a brief description and history of the site.
There is ample parking within the park. RV and bus parking with a turn-around loop is available when the lighthouse is open. Turn around loops are not plowed and four wheeled drive vehicles are recommended during Winter.